SM 10000+
Practice Overview

Practice Overview

The Supreme Court: the second bankruptcy can be considered a continuation of the first bankruptcy
 03.02.2020 The Supreme Court: the second bankruptcy can be considered a continuation of the first bankruptcy The Supreme Court examined the case, related to a failed attempt to withdraw the debtor's main asset (determination No. 305-ES19-18631 dated January 31, 2020).

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Recovery of damages will be imposed for the arbitration managers.
 13.01.2020 Recovery of damages will be imposed for the arbitration managers. The Supreme Court received a bankruptcy case, in which the creditor is dissatisfied with the actions of the arbitration manager (determination No. 308-ES19-18779 of December 30, 2019).

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If the transfer of rights to the property of the debtor has not been registered, the property is included in the bankruptcy estate.
 23.12.2019 If the transfer of rights to the property of the debtor has not been registered, the property is included in the bankruptcy estate. The Supreme Court considered the claim on the agreed actions of the debtor and the creditor in the deal (determination No. 306-ES19-13841 of December 16, 2019).

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