Conferences, organized by the "Pravorub" portal are held in Moscow annually. This time the participants will meet in a new place, with new speakers, with new topics and new "tricks" - there will be many new interesting things, even taking into account the fact that they have never been repeated before, however, the organizers will not break the traditions.
Participation in the conference is your chance to get the most relevant information and practical knowledge first-hand, directly from those who have already reached considerable heights in jurisprudence. It is your professional elevator that will raise you to a new level of profession understanding and new successes in your activity.
The speaker of Liquidation and Bankruptcy Bar Association will prepare the topic of: "Tools to identify dishonest behavior of the debtor and concealment of assets. Technology of bringing the debtor’s controlling persons to subsidiary liability."
Special prices are provided for hotel room reservations, as well as other pleasant "bonuses" that have already become traditional are provided for conference participants from other cities.
During the conference, it is not allowed to record speeches (audio and video) without written approval from the organizers.
Conference proceedings will not be freely accessible.
As the start date of the event approaches, the size of the registration fee will increase, and the number of remaining seats in the hall and the chances of becoming a participant in our event will decrease - do not put off your decision for the last days!
For members of the Association, a discount on the promotional code is provided, contact the portal administration for a discount.
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